

2008年09月23日(火曜日) 声明の連発

day by day

 (05:45)月曜日段階で私が書いた金融市場分析をお読みになりたい方は、このサイトをご覧になっていただければ良いのですが、それ以降も世界の金融当局から次々に声明が発表される。私の記憶でもこれほど「声明続き」なのは珍しい。それだけ世界がunusual な状況にあると言うことでしょう。こんなに声明が連発されると、逆に市場は不安になる。

 先ず出たのはFRBの声明です。この声明には「pending a statutory five-day antitrust waiting period,」(法令で決められた5日間の反トラスト待機期間を経て)とあるが、その後またFRBは声明を発表して、司法省との協議に基づき「the transactions may be consummated immediately without the application of the five-day antitrust waiting period.」と発表した。consummate とは「完了する」ということですから、「即時実施(の可能性)」ということです。

 ウォール街に残った最後の二つの伝統あるインベストメント・バンク。この二つが銀行持ち株会社に移行する。はっきり言ってウォール街のランドスケープが変わったと言うことです。狙いははっきり書いてある。「To provide increased liquidity support to these firms」(二社に対する流動性付与増大の為)。先週他の株式が大きく上がっているときでも、私の記憶ではあまりこの二社の株価は上がっていなかった。



For release at 9:30 p.m. EDT

The Federal Reserve Board on Sunday approved, pending a statutory five-day antitrust waiting period, the applications of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies.

To provide increased liquidity support to these firms as they transition to managing their funding within a bank holding company structure, the Federal Reserve Board authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to extend credit to the U.S. broker-dealer subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley against all types of collateral that may be pledged at the Federal Reserve's primary credit facility for depository institutions or at the existing Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF); the Federal Reserve has also made these collateral arrangements available to the broker-dealer subsidiary of Merrill Lynch. In addition, the Board also authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to extend credit to the London-based broker-dealer subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch against collateral that would be eligible to be pledged at the PDCF.

September 22, 2008

Statement by G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on Global Financial Market Turmoil

Washington, DC-- The Group of Seven Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors released the following statement today:

The G-7 held a conference call today to discuss global financial markets. We reaffirm our strong and shared commitment to protect the integrity of the international financial system and facilitate liquid, smooth functioning markets, which are essential for supporting the health of the world economy.

We strongly welcome the extraordinary actions taken by the United States to enhance the stability of financial markets and address credit concerns, especially through its plan to implement a program to remove illiquid assets that are destabilizing financial institutions. We also strongly welcome the measures taken by other G-7 countries. Major central banks have been coordinating to address liquidity pressures in funding markets, which has been critical in addressing disruptions in global financial markets. Several regulators have taken decisive actions to combat market manipulation and stabilize financial markets, including a temporary ban on short selling of financial stocks.

We recognize the importance of making regulation more effective and bringing investors back into a liquid and stable marketplace. We remain committed to full and rapid implementation of the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) recommendations to enhance the resilience of the global financial system for the longer term. We look forward to the FSF report this fall on progress made in strengthening prudential supervision and regulation, improving firms' risk management practices, enhancing disclosure and transparency, and strengthening accounting frameworks.

We pledge to enhance international cooperation to address the ongoing challenges in the global economy and world markets and maintain heightened close cooperation between Finance Ministries, Central Banks and regulators. We are ready to take whatever actions may be necessary, individually and collectively, to ensure the stability of the international financial system.


 ちょっと気になったのは、「Group of Seven」となっていることかな。最近のアメリカとロシアの関係は悪い。この声明はポールソンの呼び掛けで行われたそうだから、アメリカは「ロシアを外した」とも読める。




 下げたのはドルと米財務省証券。あまりに大量の資金が bailout では必要になる。国債の発行が増えて、アメリカのFRBや財務省の資金状態は悪化する、つまりアメリカの財務状況は悪くなる、との見方が強まった。アメリカ市場の不安感や脆弱性は取れていない。





