


day by day
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 (06:25)FOMCの10月29~30日の会合議事録もなかなか読み応えがあったので後で取り上げますが、私がそれよりも興味を持ったのは、このFTの記事かな。タイトルは「Yellen's path to Fed is eased by support of key Republican」というもので、この結果彼女は上院での承認に必要な60票を確保しそう、つまり次期FRB議長になることになりそう、というもの。

 この記事は、FRBの"超"緩和政策批判の急先鋒だったボブ・コーカー上院議員(Bob Corker, テネシー州選出共和党上院議員)が、「In the end, I do believe she has the qualifications necessary to be the Fed chairman and plan to support her nomination」という声明、詰まりイエレン支持の声明を出したことを取り上げている。

 重要なのは、FRBの今の金融政策に反対なのに、なぜ彼が彼女を支持するに至ったかです。FTには、「Mr Corker said his conversations with Ms Yellen had persuaded him that she recognises the downside of Fed asset purchases and will be willing to end them in due course.」と書いた上で、さらに彼の言葉として「"She understands that monetary policy is a blunt object, that distortions are occurring, and that the affluent disproportionately benefit from easy money policies. During our discussions, she made a commitment to moderate purchases as soon as she believes the data supports that action and shows that the current status cannot continue.She believes, to a certain extent, that the Fed may have become a prisoner of its own policies."」と書いてある。


 この上院議員が述べている興味深い点は、「the affluent disproportionately benefit from easy money policies」という点で、彼女が持つ「とにかく成長を高めて雇用の改善を図らねばならない」という視点とは異なっている。しかしそれはこの記事にもある通り、重要な政治的問題です。

 イエレンが次の議長になるためにややリップサービスを余儀なくされている中で、あと任期が2ヶ月ちょっとになったバーナンキは、結構自由に喋っている。例えばこのウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの記事によれば、「short-term interest rates may stay near zero "well after" the jobless rate falls below 6.5%」と。これまで米金融政策における「失業率6.5%」は、ゼロ金利解除のシュレショールドと解釈されていたので(実際に彼はそう言っていたと思う)、「そうじゃないよ」「そうはならないのでは」と述べたことになる。無論イエレンはQE3について語り、バーナンキはゼロ金利に関して述べている。違うが、「どっちなの」という雰囲気。


During this general discussion of policy strategy and tactics, participants reviewed issues specific to the Committee's asset purchase program. They generally expected that the data would prove consistent with the Committee's outlook for ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and would thus warrant trimming the pace of purchases in coming months. However, participants also considered scenarios under which it might, at some stage, be appropriate to begin to wind down the program before an unambiguous further improvement in the outlook was apparent. A couple of participants thought it premature to focus on this latter eventuality, observing that the purchase program had been effective and that more time was needed to assess the outlook for the labor market and inflation; moreover, international comparisons suggested that the Federal Reserve's balance sheet retained ample capacity relative to the scale of the U.S. economy. Nonetheless, some participants noted that, if the Committee were going to contemplate cutting purchases in the future based on criteria other than improvement in the labor market outlook, such as concerns about the efficacy or costs of further asset purchases, it would need to communicate effectively about those other criteria. In those circumstances, it might well be appropriate to offset the effects of reduced purchases by undertaking alternative actions to provide accommodation at the same time.

 マーケットは最初の数行、つまり「They generally expected that the data would prove consistent with the Committee's outlook for ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and would thus warrant trimming the pace of purchases in coming months.」しか見ていないようだが、ここから数パラは結構読んでいて面白い。


Participants also discussed a range of possible actions that could be considered if the Committee wished to signal its intention to keep short-term rates low or reinforce the forward guidance on the federal funds rate. For example, most participants thought that a reduction by the Board of Governors in the interest rate paid on excess reserves could be worth considering at some stage, although the benefits of such a step were generally seen as likely to be small except possibly as a signal of policy intentions. By contrast, participants expressed a range of concerns about using open market operations aimed at affecting the expected path of short-term interest rates, such as a standing purchase facility for shorter-term Treasury securities or the provision of term funding through repurchase agreements. Among the concerns voiced was that such operations would inhibit price discovery and remove valuable sources of market information; in addition, such operations might be difficult to explain to the public, complicate the Committee's communications, and appear inconsistent with the economic thresholds for the federal funds rate. Nevertheless, a number of participants noted that such operations were worthy of further study or saw them as potentially helpful in some circumstances.




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